Short course: Uncertainty Quantification, Reliability and Sensitivity Analyses applied to Geotechnics and Structures
19. November 2020
This short course will give participants an insight into probabilistic approaches in general, uncertainty
quantification, reliability, sensitivity analyses and associated benefits with respect to a deterministic
approach. Practical applications including typical geotechnical problems (slope stability, foundation
bearing capacity, anchored wall, and tunnel in urban environment) will be discussed and solved using
Matlab, combined with UQLab ( and ZSOIL (
Prof. Dr Bruno Sudret, Dr Stefano Marelli
Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification
IBK - Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH Zürich
Prof. Dr Stéphane Commend
iTEC - Institut des Technologies de l’Environnement Construit
Filière de Génie Civil, HEIA Fribourg
Price, including coffee breaks and lunch
Regular: CHF 500 (or CHF 350 if taught online via Teams/Zoom)
Students: CHF 250 (or CHF 175 if taught online via Teams/Zoom)