En bref



septembre 2017 - décembre 2019

The project is the result of a collaboration between Structural Xploration Lab (EPFL, Prof. Corentin Fivet, research leader) and Institute of Environnemental and Construction Technologies (HEIA, Prof. Dario Redaelli).

The goal of this research is to develop a structural (i.e. load bearing) system that can be reused over a minimum of three building lifespans. The unusual requirements for such a promising system are threefold:

  1. elements must be robust enough to withstand chemical and mechanical attacks over a very long period of time ' e.g. 200 years at almost zero maintenance cost
  2. the system must allow its deconstruction and reconstruction at minimum twice and with minimum transformation costs, meaning that a minimum of material should be replaced or repaired
  3. in case of deconstruction/reconstruction, the modularity of the system will allow to rearrange the geometry of the structural skeleton (spans, position of columns, walls and openings, etc.)