- Projets de recherche : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/projets-de-recherche/
- Infrastructure : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/infrastructure/
- Equipe : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/equipe/
- Agenda : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/agenda/
- Actualité : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/actualite/
- Projets de recherche : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/projets-de-recherche/
- Infrastructure : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/infrastructure/
- Equipe : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/equipe/
- Agenda : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/agenda/
- Actualité : /fr/recherche-appliquee/instituts/isis/actualite/
PredicTake 2

En bref
3. Systèmes embarqués et interactifs
François Buntschu
Répertoire des compétences
avril 2018 - juin 2019
Armasuisse is investigating the use of advanced mobile tactical networks based on rather complex mobiles nodes.
The nodes have many capabilities: UHF/VHF smart radio, GPS, ad-hoc routing, tactical applications, Unix PC control, etc. The smart radio allows new ideas to improve their performance to be tested. However, testing is time-consuming and innovative concepts should be simulated or emulated first to assess the resulting improvements and possible limitations. The goal of this project is to:
- identify the most promising MANET routing protocol(s)
- generate in collaboration with armasuisse, a set of innovative ideas to improve the performance based on predicting, when possible, the states of the network of mobile nodes (see Figure 1 for an illustration of predictive lifetime for a sensor network),
- assess the performance gain (or loss) in common and extreme scenarios,
- compare the most important results with field trial results
promote via scientific and(or) open-source publication, the ideas developed in this project. The field trial will be designed by armasuisse in close cooperation with the project team and conducted by armasuisse.