Advanced Inkjet Technology
29 – 31 janvier 2024
Many inkjet applications have been tried, with some successes and many failures. As inkjet technology expands toward further horizons, new challenges—as well as opportunities—arise. Advancing inkjet technology is essential to furthering the expansion of inkjet applications, which in turn is vital to both economic and environmental sustainability.
The aim of this conference is to bring together R&D industry specialists, academic researchers, equipment and material suppliers, and end users to exchange, co-create, and shape the future of inkjet technology.
The focus is first and foremost the research and developments that contribute to the advancement of technology, from academic research to industrial success stories.
Thanks to their worldwide industrial and academic networks, the iPrint institute and IS&T are perfectly positioned to serve as a catalyst for creating a community around this topic and transforming this conference into an international “must be” event. The success of the IS&T 2022 Advances in Printing Technology session “Innovative Technology for Digital Printing,” held at iPrint in October 2022, combined with IS&T’s nearly 40-year history of creating a place for the printing community to meet and gain access to the latest printing technology developments, have paved the way for this new endeavour.
Networking spaces with inkjet professionals and side activities before and after the conference will further enrich the attendees' experience in Switzerland in January 2024.
The conference is planned as an in-person event, and we expect presenters to attend in person, assuming it is possible and safe for them to do so. Should this not be the case, we will allow for remote attendance on a case-bycase basis.