En bref



Laboratory of Bacteriophages and Phage Therapy, Center for Research and Innovation in Pharmaceutical Clinical Sciences (CRISP), Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Dr. Grégory Resch - Cell Production Center (CPC); Service of Pharmacy, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Dr. Jean-François Brunet

Carmen Jungo Rhême
Répertoire des compétences

avril 2024 - décembre 2024

The goal of this project is to transfer a bacteriophage production and purification process to the BCC for further process design improvement and optimization. 

Nowadays phage therapy is again seen as one complementary and realistic approach to fight against difficult-to-treat bacterial infections.

In this project, the current lab-scale process for the isolation, production and formulation of Pseudonomas aeruginosa phages for therapeutic use will be transferred from the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) to the Biofactory Competence Center. After successful technology transfer, the phage production process will be performed in a well-controlled bioreactor environment and some of the purification process steps will be assessed for redesign and optimization.

The use of chemically defined medium will also be addressed for improved purification of phages.