
The role of TechTransfer Office is to foster durable and productive relationships between the School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg (HEIA-FR) and its industrial partners.
Offering support on every aspect of the academic-industrial collaboration — from conducting agreement negotiations to advising on intellectual property and commercialization strategies —, the office works closely with both HEIA-FR staff and external companies or institutions for the duration of their joint activity.
More specifically, the Tech Transfer Office offers support in the following areas:
By ensuring that applied research at the HEIA-FR is oriented towards the real needs of industry, the TechTransfer Office participates in the development of efficient solutions to current scientific, technical and social challenges. The department seeks to establish true win-win partnerships by supporting projects that meet the interests of HEIA-FR researchers as well as the needs of the industrial partner - the key to a successful partnership. While the HEIA-FR benefits from increased funding, industrial partners gain a competitive advantage through access to the HEIA-FR’s research and technical know-how.
The capacity to publish pioneering research in peer-reviewed journals is one of the measures of the success of an academic institution. Publications are essential not only for the advancement of individual researchers, but also to position institutes and laboratories as leaders in their field of research. One way the Tech Transfer Office assists researchers is by defining publication timelines so that patents can be filed and studies of future economic value commissioned in a timely manner. The office also safeguards the interests of our industrial partners by making sure that research results and dissemination strategies are discussed with the contracting company before publication.
Intellectual property protection
The HEIA-FR places a high value on the protection of intellectual property. The Tech Transfer Office makes certain that research results are adequately protected—for the HEIA-FR as well as for its industrial partners.
To strengthen its role as an intermediary between Fribourg-based researchers and their industrial partners, the HEIA-FR plays an active role in TechTransfer-Fribourg along with the University of Fribourg, the Adolphe Merkle Institute and the Fribourg School of Management.
Jean-Philippe Bacher
Full Professor UAS
HEIA_A20.26 / BFA_19_20_21_B
+41 26 429 67 55