
In Switzerland about 1.25 million users travel in more than 10'000 trains each day through an efficient railway system with relatively few accidents, breakdowns and delays. Given the human, environmental and economic responsibilities of such a system, it must be optimal. Moreover, the growing technology also brings its share of novelties. In order to support the successful development of this field with high safety requirements, quality processes and numerous national and international standards, guidelines and regulations must be defined. In this context, the ROSAS safety and quality specialists of railway systems provide solid knowledge and expertise of the applicable standards and testing methods.

ROSAS supports companies in the development of the railway system by following the RAMS and cybersecurity approach.
Approche RAMS
Ability to function as required without failure, during a given time interval and under given conditions.
Ability of a product to perform a required function under given conditions, at a given time or during a given interval of time, assuming that the necessary means are provided.
Ability to be maintained or restored in a state to function as required, under given conditions of use and maintenance.
Functional Safety and Cyber Security
Functional safety is defined as the absence of unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. This approach allows a global analysis to increase the reliability and cyber safety of every aspect of the railway system, both in terms of rolling stock and infrastructure.
Analysis tools
In order to achieve this, in accordance with EN 5012x, 50159, IEC 61508, EN 50657, IEC 62443 and ISO 15408, ROSAS uses the following analysis tools :
- Hazard Analysis: PHA, HAZOP
- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) / Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
- Cybersecurity risk assessment: threat modeling
- Security activities: security by design, hardening, penetration testing, etc.

Common Safety Method
Nous évaluons et apprécions les risques associés aux modifications techniques, opérationnelles et organisationnelles du système ferroviaire selon les conformités européennes CSM qui définissent les obligations légales et le cadre obligatoire.
Conformités européennes CSM
- CSM pour l'évaluation et l'appréciation des risques
- CSM pour la surveillance des processus liés à la sécurité
- CSM pour les exigences des systèmes de gestion de la sécurité
- CSM sur la supervision
- CSM sur les objectifs communs de sécurité
Simulation and OpenTrack
Problem solving using the OpenTrack tool to simulate a particular situation in the railway system. The simulation includes both continuous and discrete components. The continuous component solves the equations for determining train speeds and distances. The discrete component simulates processes such as signaling system states and delay propagation. The user can interrupt the simulation at any time and, if necessary, enter OpenTrack and change certain constraints.
Evaluation data
After a simulation run, different forms of evaluation are available:
- Space/time and speed/time diagrams
- Station track occupancy times
- Acceleration behavior
- Obstruction and disruption report - Train running graphs
- Staircase graph of occupancy times
- Traction Effort
- Comparison of actual and planned times