Foundation Course

The hands-on courses offered at iPrint’s renowned Inkjet Training Center are being enhanced! Course participants will benefit from hands-on demonstration sessions on the latest commercial equipment (printheads, drop watchers, ink delivery systems, etc.), which will facilitate the transfer of acquired skills and knowledge to their own work environments. Participants will be better equipped to identify the implementations best suited to their own R&D activities and businesses.

Participant profile
The course is open to everybody that wishes to broaden their knowledge base in inkjet. No matter if you are an expert in a specific field of inkjet wishing to better understand other disciplines, or if you are involved in inkjet system integration or in inkjet system operation, or if you are a newcomer to inkjet. This course is for you!
Course objectives
The objectives of the foundation course in inkjet are to broaden the knowledge base and to acquire inkjet-specific terminology, enabling interdisciplinary communication and discussion. The theory sessions are complemented by hands-on lab training.
Entry requirement
Either qualification and experience in one of the following areas:
- Mechanics
- Electronics
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Color Science
- Experience in development of printing systems or ink
Course details
English (speakers and collaborators also speak French and/or German)
CHF 3'450 - including lunch on TUE/WED/THU and optional activities on THU
Enrollment takes effect upon payment of the course fee.
Participants are advised not to make any bookings (accommodation, flights) until the course is confirmed – at least four weeks before the start date.
Day 1 | 09h15 - 17h30
09h15 - Colorimetry (optional)
File formats, RIP, color management, color space, the impact of restricted color space, CMYK and light colors, typical image artefacts, workflow. Lab work on color management.
Speaker: Gino Bonafini
13h00 - Introduction
Welcome, course overview, introduction to inkjet.
13h30 - Printheads and jetting
Core technologies explained and reviewed, printhead manufacturers overview, resolution, crosstalk, deviation, drop velocity, drop placement accuracy. Lab work on printhead and jetting.
Speaker: Yoshinori Domae
Day 2 | 08h30 - 17h00
08h30 - Printer design
Terminology, basics on frame construction, axes, drives, sensors, dynamics, resolution, repeatability, quality issues. Fluid supply systems, printing system integration, single pass vs. multi pass, system maintenance. Lab work on printer mechatronics.
Speaker: Johannes Renner
13h00 - lnkjet datapath
Electronics and software, printhead drivers, driving heads (waveform), data path, required bandwidth, component speed, efficiency of power supply. Lab work on inkjet data path.
Speaker: Fernando Rodriguez Llorente
Day 3 | 08h30 - 17h00
08h30 - Rheology
Introduction to rheology for inkjet inks. Viscosity, shear thinning, shear thickening, newtonian and non-newtonian fluid properties, etc. Lab work on ink rheology measurements.
Speaker: Tri Tuladhar
13h00 - lnkjet inks
Terminology, basics on ink formulation, dispersions, suspensions, stability, compatibility, degassing methods, filtering aspects. Lab work on ink characterization.
Speaker: Frédéric Bodino
17h00 - iPrint visit (optional)
Visit of iPrint and inkjet companies on the Marly Innovation Center.
Day 4 | 08h30 - 17h00
08h30 - Surface science
Ink-substrate interaction, characteristics of different substrates, effects of modifying surface energy on print quality, pre-treatment methods. Lab work on substrate pre-treatment.
Speaker: Gilbert Gugler
13h15 - Ink system, printhead and drop watching workshop
Hands-on workshop on different commercial ink systems and drop watching equipment using different inks and printheads.
17h00 - Inkjet Ecosystem presentations & Aperitif (optional)
Companies presentations & networking among participants, speakers and iPrint partners.
Day 5 | 08h30 - 12h30
08h30 - Printing workshop
Hands-on workshop on how to improve printing quality, printhead maintenance, etc.
12h00 - Wrap-up
Feedback, certificates, course conclusion.

«The course offers a clear vision of all factors and interactions between the different fields of competences. It shows the importance of solid communication between all actors in the exciting field of inkjet. The structure of the course, 50% theory and 50% practice, is perfect for learning.»
Foundation course #20, 2022
«A perfect training for everybody that offers great insights into the thematic. Theory and hands-on are well balanced.»
Foundation course #18, 2021

«Mit diesem Kurs wird das Grundwissen über Inkjet mit allen Facetten erweitert und anschaulich demonstriert. Gut wäre es Kurse in verschiedenen Sprachen zu geben, wobei das Englisch der Redner recht einfach zu verstehen ist.»
Foundation course #17, 2020
«Great training. Gives a good overview about the complex topics in inkjet systems. Especially the practical training helped a lot for understanding.»
Foundation course #15, 2019

Other courses
Participants can also request personalized training on specific topics. iPrint is flexible and happy to support your inkjet education.