Numerics in Geotechnics & Structures 2024
30. August 2024
Symposium Topics
Numerical simulation in geomechanics, constitutive aspects, soil-structure interaction and associated structural analysis with emphasis on present and future engineering practice: theory, applications, case studies, failure analyses, optimisation, probabilistic approaches.
Who attends
Engineers and developers confronted with the need to perform accurate numerical simulations or optimisations for complex underground, above ground or combined constructions have an opportunity to exchange experience, see state of the art presentations of recent case studies and get a comprehensive introduction to numerical simulations in 2D or 3D, with ZSOIL, in dry or partially saturated rock or soil, with full structural capabilities, soil-structure interaction, interfaces, thermal effects, ultimate load evaluation, continuous safety assessment, including creep, swelling, dilation, dynamics, uncertainty quantification with UQlab etc.