Fully Printed Electrical Motor
In the recent years with the advent of advanced manufacturing (AM) techniques and novel materials, there is a strong interest to rethink the possibilities on how Electrical machines and electrical motors (EM) are manufactured, and which steps can improve their performance from a design and durability point of view.

3D Inkjet Printing of Zirconia
Additive manufacturing of multi-colored 3D ceramic dental restorations by inkjet printing.

Lab on a Chip for Gram staining
Conception et réalisation d'une nouvelle méthode de coloration de Gram en collaboration avec la société Swissmeca

Design and manufacturing of a new generation of bioresorbable stents by 3D printing.

Ebeam in Digital Printing
Ebeam technology is used in digital printing to polymerize inks and varnishes. Compared to standard UV light curing, this principle has the key advantage of being more environmentally friendly because it eliminates the need for initiators, the most toxic elements present in inks.

Direct to shape inkjet printing with robots
To enable printing onto large & heavy objects it is necessary to combine `robot-moved printhead & static object'. While this approach opens many new application areas the accelerated motion of the printhead results in key tech challenges to achieve high printing speed, precision, and reliability.

DCHVA Innosuisse
Transfer of HV capacitor serial production into a more robust, efficient and automatized process.

Feasibility study of a new dielectric droplet-based assembly process of passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
In this project, we investigate a new assembly process that consists in producing passive RFID tags only with printing steps.