- Chemical Analysis Unit : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/chemical-analysis-unit/
- Research projects : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/research-projects/
- Equipment : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/equipment/
- Team : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/team/
- Agenda : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/agenda/
- News : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/news/
- Chemical Analysis Unit : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/chemical-analysis-unit/
- Research projects : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/research-projects/
- Equipment : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/equipment/
- Team : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/team/
- Agenda : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/agenda/
- News : /en/applied-research/institutes/chemtech/news/

Applied chemistry at the service of the industry
As an applied research institute active in the chemical, pharmaceutical and other chemistry-dependent sectors, ChemTech develops new molecules and supports technology transfer from molecular innovation to industrial production. ChemTech’s state-of-the-art facilities feature laboratories for synthesis and analysis as well as pilot plant infrastructure (100-600L). The institute’s areas of expertise include chemical synthesis, chemical engineering, analysis, characterization, process chemistry, scale-up and production.
Industrial and applied chemistry
Intensification of chemical processes
Research focus areas
The ChemTech institute develops solutions for industry that address the present and future needs of our society.
Chemical process development
- Elaboration of new synthesis paths
- Creation of products with innovative functionalities
- Process scale-up and thermal safety assessment
- Chemical production
- Chemical engineering
- Process automation
- Control and optimization
- Nanomaterials
- Energy storage
- Recycling and waste revalorization
Characterization technology
- Development of new methods of chemical and physical characterization, in particular surface chemical imaging
- Spectroscopic and thermal investigations
- Environmental analysis
- Instrument development and on-line monitoring strategies for chemical processes
Flow chemistry
- Conversion of batch or fed-batch processes into continuous processing
- Development of micro-reactors
- Design of continuous processes to control thermal risks
Our services
The Chemical Analysis Unit at the School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg has been performing research and analytical services for both internal projects and industrial partners since 2004. It provides key services within Chemtech Institute’s research areas, including:
- Development of analytical methods (GC-MS, HPLC-MS)
- Product characterization (NMR, RAMAN, DSC, TGA, rheology, SEM)
- Implementation of environmental analysis (metals, anions, cations)
With an experienced research team and state-of-the-art analytical infrastructure, the Chemical Analysis Unit is equipped to meet the analytical needs of all types of projects and applications.
The ChemTech institute’s facilities include equipments for laboratory and industrial synthesis, for material characterization, for thermal analysis, and for chemical analyses.
No events
Master of Science HES-SO in Life Sciences
Custom-designed training programs are available at the request of companies
Christophe Allemann
Full Professor UAS/Institute Head
+41 26 429 67 97